COVID QUARANTINE DIARIES: This is it! Final day.

COVID QUARANTINE DIARIES: This is it! Final day.


Here it is, the final day of quarantine.  It’s kind of surreal.  Now I must venture out into the real world.  It feels different.  I don’t feel as safe.  I look at all the events going on, concerts, theater shows, people out and about, not wearing masks.  I don’t feel like I can be one of those people even though I’m no longer contagious and perhaps more unlikely to contract Covid.

At least I’m not still in the funk I was in on Tuesday.  I had some notions of selling some stuff on craigslist.  Brenda said maybe we should hold off being that I HAVE COVID.  I’ve continued biking to nowhere on the deck.  And, since it was our final day.  Brenda and I went outside!

We took a walk/jog.  It felt so naughty!  There wasn’t anyone around and we went to the cemetery, figuring that would be a pretty safe place.  It was, except when we were nearly attacked by the flock of turkeys that live there.  Okay, we weren’t even close to being attacked, which is why we kept our distance.  That would pretty much be par for the course, getting over Covid and then getting attacked by wild turkeys in the cemetery.  Vicki would approve.

I noticed on my post from DAY SIX HUNDRED, (feel free to look back and read that post!), my dear friend, I’ll call her Joolz made a comment.  In the post I mentioned that Vicki used to have a convertible and we were often tempted to “Thelma and Louise” it over a cliff. 

Joolz mentioned that either one of us could rent a convertible.  Huh.  Two things on that.  First, I hadn’t thought of that, she’s right we could.  But.

Joolz never was on board with our whole Thelma and Louise plan.  We all pretty much figured that Vicki and I would roar over the cliff.  The car would crash, and we would both live but be horribly disfigured or need to eat only soft food.  Joolz, looking down at our maimed bodies would simply role her eyes.  My friend Joolz has THE ABSOLUTE BEST eye roll in the whole world.  She manages in one little eye roll to emote a wry sense of appreciation at our ridiculousness along with a healthy dose of “Jesus Christ you dorks!” and a dash of “Oh hell no, I’m not feeding you soft food for the rest of your life.”

But more importantly here’s what inevitably would happen if we did rent a convertible to Thelma and Louise it.  Joolz and probably Brenda would be there as we roared over the cliff.  (Not in the convertible), Vicki and I would become disfigured and stuck in the windshield.  Joolz would roll her eyes, Brenda would hold her hand up in a stop gesture, meaning, “Nope.  Not today Nellie and Vicki.”  And they would both go off to have some of Brenda’s delicious roasted coffee.  Vicki and I would claw our way out, and not having taken out the rental car insurance policy would be in a small claims court battle for years with no one to feed us our soft food. 

That said, I don’t think we will rent a convertible to Thelma and Louise it over the cliff.  Ha!  Take that Joolz and Brenda!! 

So tomorrow will be back to normal, but honestly what the hell is normal anymore.  Oh, and by the way.  I picked up some of Roo’s poop in the back yard and just for an instant… IT SMELLED LIKE SHIT!! 

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